A good reminder for designers
This video excerpt is given by Allan Chochinov (of Core77 fame) at the PSFK Conference New York 08. While what he says is nothing revolutionary, I have to admit that I do allow myself to forget some of these fundamental values of a designer, take myself too seriously and doubt the neccessity of "process".
Quote from video
"You have to make a lot of shit if you want to create something of significance. The attempt is to “clever” your way to a solution without cranking out a lot of work. You need to give a shit about what you do. Need to make your work personal. In this time of focus groups and user testing, with the tyranny of the user going on, I think we’re starting to commoditize creativity and turning ourselves into problem solving machines and innovation specialists. Forgetting there’s a reason they called us in the first place. The students able to find a place that was personal not only were more successful but they had a lot more fun. Don’t work on shit jobs, only create artifacts and services of value…" (quote via Design Sojourn)