Wednesday, March 25, 2009

60's inspired wedding

I love these wedding table designs by Courtney of Flush Designs The dash of pink to black gives the entire deco such a soft sophisticated feel that is both modern and romantic. The design of the table is 60's inspired by mid century Paris.
(Above) Balloons with escort cards tied with pink ric rac ribbon would guide guest's to their table.
To bring in more of the mid 60's Parisienne cafe inspiration, Courtney used espresso cups as little vases to hold flowers.
By keeping in the theme with the 60's feel while keeping to the budget, Courtney also used old records, a vintage camera, and candy cigarettes to complete the look. How clever!

More gorgeous designs can be seen on Courtney's blog. (via oncewed)


Anonymous said...

I love all the ideas, and the fact that they have a 60s feel make them even more original.

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous!

the preppy debutante said...

Oh my goodness-this entry literally makes me want to get married again!

Anonymous said...

wow it's classy and sweet at the same time... like the "feel" it gives to the whole design! gorgeous

Poems Library said...

very nice

Poems Library said...

very nice

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

how gorgeous!

la anonyme said...

My favorite part about the whole set up is the candy cigarettes on each plate! It's so classic. Looking at all the wedding posts makes me want to start planning my wedding now; and I'm not even married yet!

FairyFaye said...

Looks cool! Soft pink, black & white, vintage camera.. I'll keep that in mind ;-)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! The pinks really do lighten up the black... and the pin-striping is lovely (and glamorous!)

Unknown said...

Oh man those candy cigarettes crack me up. I used to LOVE those. One day in my early 20s, with a bit of nostalgia, I purchased a pack and had one in my mouth when a man came up to me and asked for a light. Imagine his surprise that I was pretending to smoke a candy cigarette!

Anonymous said...

How gorgeous! Just what I want for my wedding!

pilocarpine said...

wonderful design!!!!

Dragonlady said...

I love the candy Cigarettes! Went to a Wedding in Chicago in October with the same type of feel. They had huge jars of penny candy common in the 60's and little bags for guests to take it home in. Tres Cool!

jun said...

please do your tutorial on flowers made of lace, thanks! :)

Eventlookforless said...

So unique yet affordable. Love it.